Heidi Muca discusses the legal implications of the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor and the wider geopolitical significance of the disruptions to the plan.
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Heidi Muca discusses the legal implications of the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor and the wider geopolitical significance of the disruptions to the plan.
The Rule of Law is crucial for businesses for multiple reasons discussed in this article. Most importantly, businesses must understand the rights the Government have to regulate their business.
With the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow having come to a close, collective agreements to combat climate change have been reached. This article highlights the need for competition law to keep up with the demands of the changing global economy in the move towards sustainability.
Recent data published by Bloomberg predicts the UK will have forfeited £200B in lost GDP by the end of 2020 as compared to the projections for if it had elected to stay in the EU, bordering on the £215B the country has contributed to the EU budget in its 47-year membership.
In 2010, Nick Clegg was able to force his way into government on the part basis of his debating mastery. Is it not time to widen our debating platform to see if there is anything better past the stale bickering of Conservative and Labour leaderships?
In his campaign pledge today, Johnson, leading the Conservatives into his first general election as leader, looks to launch his campaign on the basis of seeing Brexit ‘over the line’, diametrically opposed to Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership of ‘more dither and delay’. This election seems to be the most important for quite some time, with commentators struggling to predict the result.
With Trump seemingly the undisputed Republican nominee, the parameters for victory will be determined on a day-to-day basis, scandal by scandal. Warren’s vision of compassionate capitalism seems to be resonating with the electorate thus far – but whether she can overturn the dominate PACs is another, far larger problem.